Worst still, it was the body of someone Bosch served along with in the war. There was a body found in the mud pipe of the dam. The Black Echo takes place in Los Angeles, specifically in Hollywood. Bosch is also haunted with the memories of Vietnam, and dreams about his time there as a “trench rat.” Others have described Bosch as being “haunted and tormented.” (Branscomb, 2017) He works as a detective for the LAPD department, homicide division. Bosch is presented as a hard and dedicated worker. He is described in the book as a “methodical, traditional, and superstitious detective” as well as “wiry” and “small” but with strength no one can see (Connelly 1993, pg 10-11).

Bosch was a hardboiled homicide detective and a Vietnam veteran. The Black Echo by Michael Connelly was the beginning of the Harry Bosch detective series. Welcome to the exciting world of Detective Harry Bosch!